Finance Summit 2013
About the Summit
The Franco-British Students’ Summit (FSFGB – Financial Sectors of France and Great Britain 2013) organized in conjunction with ESSEC Business School and the Franco-British Connections is a congregation of the best and brightest students from both the sides of the channel for a 3-day intense analysis on a number of topics that have been plaguing the finance world. 200 students from the top universities of France and Great Britain, including Cambridge, ESSEC, Ecole Polytechnique, ESCP, King’s College, HEC, Oxford, Paris-Assas, Sciences-Po, University College of London would be expected to participate in our workshops and pose challenging views on everything from the Eurozone crisis to the Occupy Wall Street movement.
From 15th – 17th March, the best of French and British students come together to showcase their debating skills in the presence of prestigious invitees. These debates would help us understand students’ opinions and possibly solutions for the myriad financial problems the world faces today.