About Our Partners
Bank of America

Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small- and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services.

IBM is a globally integrated enterprise operating in over 170 countries.
Today IBM UK has around 20,000 employees, bringing innovative solutions to a diverse client base to help solve some of their toughest business challenges. In addition to being the world's largest IT and consulting services company, IBM is a global business and technology leader, innovating in research and development to shape the future of society at large.
IBM's prized research, development and technical talent around the world partner with governments, corporations, thinkers and doers on ground breaking real world problems to help make the world work better and build a smarter planet.
Ambassade de France

The Cultural Service of the French Embassy is responsible for promoting French language and culture in Great Britain by:
- developing exchange programmes between schools and universities in both countries;
- promoting all forms of contemporary art and facilitating contact between professionals working in this field;
- increasing awareness of new French books in the fields of literature, humanities and social sciences (www.frenchbooknews.com);
- promoting French cinema and music.
The service works in close collaboration with an extensive decentralized cultural network with, in particular:
- two French Institutes based in London and Edinburgh,
- a network of Alliances françaises across the UK, including Manchester, Glasgow and London;
- the Maison française in Oxford
Ultra Electronics

Ultra Electronics is an internationally successful defence, security, transport and energy company with a long, consistent track record of development and growth.
Ultra businesses constantly innovate to create solutions to customer requirements that are different from and better than those of the Group’s competitors. By applying these differentiated solutions to a wide range of international platforms and programmes, Ultra has built an exceptionally broad range of niche market positions.
Ultra offers support to its customers through the design, delivery and support phases of a programme. Ultra businesses have a high degree of operational autonomy so that they may provide exceptionally agile and responsive support to customers and partners.
Franco-British Comparative Project

The Franco-British Comparative Project (FBCP) seeks to improve cooperation and understanding between France and Britain. It aims to do so by promoting the exchange of ideas on public policy, economics, and socio-political issues and encouraging informed discussion.
The following are examples of events and projects organized by the FBCP:
- An interactive online platform dedicated to comparative research.
- The Annual Cordial Debate Competition.
- The Triangular European Debate
- The Cross-Channel Breakfasts
Latest News
New case study!
The founders of smallcarBIGCITY have accepted our invitation to give a presentation on their company. They will be giving details on how they managed to develop their idea from start to finish.
March 5, 2011 -
IBM speaker confirmed!
We are pleased to announce you that Clive Harris, Chief Innovation Officer at IBM will be giving a keynote speach on Innovation on the Saturday 19th March
March 5, 2011 -
Registration is now open!
Confirmation is on a first-come first-served basis so hurry!
February 11, 2011 -
Website is now online!
Find out more about the conference on this website.
February 02, 2011