Rue des Canettes
Il est des boutiques à Paris qui viennent vous chercher comme si le rendez-vous était déjà fixé à l’avance…avec 5 mins d’avance
Il est des boutiques à Paris qui viennent vous chercher comme si le rendez-vous était déjà fixé à l’avance…avec 5 mins d’avance
La dernière ville rattachée à la France offre une histoire so British… certainement la plus British des villes de France (ndlr c’est l’avis de Thomas Drelon que nous vous invitons à découvrir).
Comme chaque année, le Franco British Comparative Project a organisé le concours d’essays en ligne du Cordial Debate, évènement invitant tout étudiant à développer une vision compréhensive des politiques françaises et britanniques. Cette année, le thème portait sur la propension de chaque système éducatif à promouvoir la mobilité sociale, sujet d’actualité en une période de…
This House proposes that beer is the new wine. Two teams representing France and Britain took part in this dynamic, gastronomical debate where they defended their national drinks. The traditional Celtic Pub, Patrick’s le Ballon Vert, in the 11th arrondissement provided the perfect setting for this lively yet lighthearted debate. Both teams took to it…
Are you interested in finance and how it affects society? Does the role of the UK in Europe grab your attention? Are you keen to meet students from other great universities and spend a weekend in Paris? If you answered yes to any of the above, then please read on. On the 15-16th of March,…
On Monday 14th January, the Franco-British Connections had the pleasure of hosting their first event of 2013, in the beautiful great hall of Goodenough College. The event, entitled ‘The Communication of Social and Scientific Research in France and the UK’, aimed to give an insight on how research is transmitted from an academic setting to…
The Franco-British Connections is pleased to announce its next event: “The Communication of Social and Scientific Research in France and the UK”, to be held from 6pm on the 14th of January at the Great Hall of Goodenough College, London. The event will be held in English and is open to students of all universities…
“This House believes that Beer is the new Wine”. Two teams of three debaters representing two nations; Britain and France, will oppose each other to defend their favourite drink. The debate, given its gastronomic theme, will be held at Patrick’s Le Ballon Vert, a typically Celtic Pub, which will serve as the perfect setting for…
Film director and lecturer at the University of Roehampton Can you tell us about your education and how you arrived in Britain? I obtained my French Baccalaureate, and went onto university, where I soon realised that there was not much I could do with a degree in modern literature. I then did a multidisciplinary DEA…
French journalist in London for Radio France Where did you study and how did you end up working for France Inter in London? I have a fairly common educational background. I studied business and finance at the University of Concordia in Montreal and then I went to the school of journalism in Lille. Just after…