Win a trip to Paris with ULIP

Studying French at AS/A Level (or equivalent) and fancy a weekend away to the City of Light? Simply watch the video below and answer a few questions to be in with a chance of winning a trip for two to Paris! This year, ULIP’s “Win a trip to Paris” competition theme is entrepreneurship in France.…

Part Two of the Trans-Channel Student Debate on Brexit

Please find an invitation from the French Debating Association for the second part of the Trans-Channel Student Debate on Brexit. In cooperation with the Franco-British Connections and the Allianz Kulturstiftung, we are organising a debate in the beautiful and prestigious Senate House of the University of London. During this event, four lucky FDA students will…

“The UK Hinkley Point Nuclear Project: Is it a Good Deal?”

The Energy & Natural Resources Law Institute at Queen Mary University London is organising an event on the topic of the Hinkley Point Nuclear Project, in coordination with The Spark! Contest, our latest member. The Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London, requests the pleasure of your company at its energy…

Conférence-Débat sur le thème “France, Grande Bretagne… et maintenant ?”

À l’occasion de son centenaire, l’Association France-Grande Bretagne organise sous le haut-patronage de M. Jean-Marc Ayrault, Ministre des Affaires étrangères, une Conférence-Débat entre M. Pierre-André de Chalendar, Président-Directeur Général de Saint-Gobain et Mme Sophie Pedder, correspondante de The Economist à Paris sur le thème : France, Grande Bretagne… et maintenant ? La conférence aura lieu…

Critical Lives – Albert Camus

The Franco-British Society is organising a talk by Edward J. Hughes (FBS Book Prize Winner 2016 and Professor of French at Queen Mary, University of London) on Critical Lives – Albert Camus. The event will take place on Thursday 20 October at 6.45pm at the French Protestant Church, 8-9 Soho Square, London W1D 3QD. Tickets…

Going Digital: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

The Franco-British Lawyers Society is organising a conference on: Going Digital: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services The conference will take place on Monday 24 October 2016, from 2pm to 6pm, followed by drinks at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Exchange House, Primrose Street London EC1A 2EG. The programme can be found here. The attendance…

Twenty Years under the Channel, and beyond?

Rails et histoire invites you to register and participate to the following event (programme): Twenty Years under the Channel, and beyond? Rethinking Migrations and Borders Fourth International Conference Roundtable held at Brunel University London, Uxbridge campus, Darwin Room, Hamilton Suite Wednesday, 12 October 2016, 13:45-18:00 Rails et histoire vous invite à vous inscrire et à…

Minutes of the Apéro Brexit

On 24 June, we had the pleasure of hosting Lord Grenfell (former Chairman of the Select Committee on European Affairs) and Sophie Loussouarn (Professor at the Université d’Amiens, the Université de Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle and a specialist on British Conservatives) at Sciences Po Alumni, to discuss the results of the Brexit referendum. For those who…

Apéro Brexit on 24 June in Paris

#‎Brexit‬ or no #Brexit: the results will be available on June 24 – join the Franco-British Connections for a short analysis session followed by an “Apéro-Champagne” (for those who will celebrate and others who will prefer to forget).   We will have the pleasure of hosting Lord Grenfell (former Chairman of the Select Committee on…