AGM 21 January in Lille

We held a student/alumni meeting on Saturday the 21st of January in Lille. We mixed an afternoon of hard work with social activities so that the various generations in the FB-Connections could get to know each other. The format was as follows: 12.00 – 14.00 : Lunch in a restaurant 15.00 – 18.00 : Work…

Book Chapter on the FB-Connections

The FB-Connections have been described in detail by a member in a book chapter co-edited by Philippe Lane of the Institut Francais, and Maurice Fraser of LSE. This book contains a broad overview of Franco-British Academic partnerships, and can be purchased from the Liverpool University Press.

Franco-British Connections and the 2010 SMCC

The delegates of the 2010 Strategy & Management Consulting Conference (SMCC) will be invited by the French Embassy in London to meet alumni from their respective schools in the spirit of strengthening cross-Channel professional links. This conference is the largest student-run conference on consulting in Europe. Under the sponsorship of the BCG (headline sponsor), OC&C…

Alumni Student Reunion

The next alumni/student reunion will be held on the 3rd of July at Sciences-Po. On the agenda will be the establishment of statutes for the society, and our continuing work on projects for 2010/2011.